About Time!

 Menu of Pages:

Introduction  Mind 2    Body 2     Spirit 2

Please Come Along, as I Discuss the Things I am Passionate About.


I hope you like what you read, and take something form it that enhances your life. 

I try to take the wisdom of the east, and blend it with the practicality of the west, since I have lived in both East and West for a good part of my life. I have spent my childhood and some of my youth in India, and the rest (most) of my life in the US. 

My goal is to convince people that health care does not have to  be so complicated, and that choosing moderate over excessive, is simply a wise choice in the long run.  

I don’t claim to have medical training or schooling.  I am a Political Science Major.  What I do know for a fact, though, is that our medical practices of today are mostly unreliable, excessive, and even downright nonsensical! 

We’ve come a long way from: “Doctor knows best!”  

In recent years, over the past five, especially, I have been studying and practicing alternative remedies.  Nothing extreme mind you, mostly age old home made cures, and natural remedies – Very basic, simple, common-sense, old fashioned alternatives to the excessive treatments and extreme measures that are common place and normal practices today.  

I am sensitive to strong medicines and have reacted unfavorably to them any and every time. so rather than fighting the system when I’m unwell, I try my best to be well as much as possible.  

I passionately believe in and highly recommend Prevention over Cure! ​

I really didn’t think much about it, until I realized just how far, we as a society, (in the US, especially) have drifted from basic common sense to medical nonsense.  That is when I decided to share my concepts, with the public, hoping to bring back good old fashioned caring and nurturing instead of over-treating.  

I simply want to remind and convince people, how much better our own bodies will cooperate with our own mind and our own care.  After all, who can want better for the self than oneself, Is it not?

I successfully completed a course in Wellness Coaching, and would like to offer wellness consulting & advice, online later on, also.

Part 1 is mostly about concepts, and I hope I have made it interesting enough for you to stay.

In part two, I would like to make recommendations. Also share some of the simple, inexpensive, easy and effective remedies I have learned about, tried, used, and benefited from. 

Later on, I would like very much to address topics that are dear to my heart, like non violence, religious tolerance, and peace – Starting with feeding the “spirit”, instead of the “pig”. 

Earning your support & encouragement will enable me, to embark on a journey that is: 

My Calling ….. My Life’s Purpose.

B. Well, XOXO


 Menu of Pages:

Introduction  Mind 2    Body 2     Spirit 2

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